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Welcome to Tiny Bubbles the blog of TOAST events, a boutique wedding and event planning firm in Atlanta where details shine and execution is flawless.

Tiny Bubbles will feature snippets of inspiration, elements that spark our creativity, unique products and ideas, vendors TOAST can’t live without, and so much more!

We hope you will “pop” in often to see what we are working on!

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To Knot or To Not

A funny thing happened as I was chatting with a caterer friend of mine yesterday. He said "Are you going to the "knot" party at the W on Thursday?" to which I replied "Yes I am going to The "NOT" party at the W ,but its on Sunday". This resulted in a major dialogue of "whose on first" type banter. We finally realized there are two big wedding industry events this week at the same venue.

1) The Knot is hosting an event on Thursday at the W Buckhead
2) The NOT Wedding is happening on Sunday at the same place.

Confused yet? So was I, but I'll be attending both Knot and Not events and Hope to have lots of fabulous things to share next week!

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