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Welcome to Tiny Bubbles the blog of TOAST events, a boutique wedding and event planning firm in Atlanta where details shine and execution is flawless.

Tiny Bubbles will feature snippets of inspiration, elements that spark our creativity, unique products and ideas, vendors TOAST can’t live without, and so much more!

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Lovely Lashes!

I have serious lash envy, you know those people who just have thick, beautiful, long and fluttery lashes? Hate them! Well, not really, but I have always been very envious of those gifted gals. I've tried almost EVERY mascara on the market in attempt to plump and lengthen my feeble lashes. Finally I was introduced to Latisse. Its a product by prescription only (and FDA Approved) that promises, thicker, longer and darker lashes. The only problem is it takes 8 Weeks to begin to notice your longer lashes, but I tell you girls its working! Both my mom and my best friend from childhood (who has eyelashes so long they cross at the tips) emailed me after I sent out some recent photographs to ask if I had fake lashes on, SCORE!

So all you brides out there, if you have at least 8 weeks before your big day head to your dermatologist and ask for Latisse. After all you must be able to bat your lashes at your new hubby on your big day!

1 comment:

Puttin' On The GRITS said...

I've been wanting to try this but heard that it was about $150 per tube and if you have to use it for a few months before seeing results... eek! ;-/